Roy Scarbrough, Personal Trainer at Body by Choice Training in Grand Rapids MI -

Roy Scarbrough

Personal Trainer

I am incredibly honored and excited to be part of the Body By Choice Training Team!

I am a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach with more than ten years of experience in health, fitness, and sports performance training. I’m currently pursuing multiple certifications relative to corrective fitness, holding priority to keep others injury free in their personal health journey(s).

My passion for fitness began at a young age- living along side 2 brothers and having a competitive spirit eventually brought football, track, and wrestling into my life, as well as training throughout the year. After a long career in competitive sports, I’ve found that I most enjoy helping others avoid pain in everyday life.

I like to spend my free time traveling, competing in Jiu Jitsu, spending time with my dogs, and find fulfillment in helpings others feel their best and maintain a healthy lifestyle.